Judges will evaluate Stock Pitch based on the following criteria:

  1. Does the author(s) support his/her thesis and recommendation with compelling arguments, sourced information, and clear analysis?

  2. Does the author(s} show an understanding for the discussed company and its industry or sector, as well as broader trends relevant to the company?

  3. Does the author(s) explain the valuation of the company and the company's financial state?

  4. Does the author(s) explain the market's consensus view on the stock, and make a case for why it is wrong?

  5. Does the author(s) appropriately address the risks and/or variant view on this stock, and assess what could go wrong with the thesis?

  6. Does the author(s) provide catalysts or drivers that will lead his/her thesis to play out?


  7. Does the author(s) make the case for an asymmetric risk/reward in the stock?

  8. Does the author(s) present an original thesis on the stock?

  • Financial Analysis: 25%

  • Valuation: 25%

  • Presentation: 20%

  • Question and Answer: 15%

  • Originality of Idea: 5%

  • Team Involvement: 5%

  • Materials: 5%